Tag Archive for: good performance

OEM/ODM Capabilities Medical cable assembly Custom wire

Famous medical device brand qualified OEM manufacturer
Proven by Manufacturing Excellence and Quality

KeBoRui is a qualified OEM manufacturer for many global famous medical device brands, such as Germany B.BRAUN

KeBoRui is compliant and rigorously audited by our customers.

Our reputation is built upon our partnership with market-leading medical device manufacturers.

As a trusted OEM/ODM medical device manufacturing partner, we support our customers with:

.  Patient monitoring cable assemblies
.  Surgical theater disposable cable assemblies
.  Catheter cable and assemblies
.  Disposable EKG cable assemblies
.  Autoclave-able resistant multiple use cable assemblies
.  Miniature ultrasound probe cable assemblies, fine pitch
.  Miniature camera cables
.  Hospital-grade power cords

.  High flex MRI and CT scan equipment cable systems  and harnesses
.  Ray cable and cable systems
.  Dental hybrid cable systems with pneumatic tubes
.  Dental chair harnesses and cable systems
.  Hospital LAN network cables

Powerful Engineering And Project Management Capabilities

KeBoRui strengthens your innovation with our rapid prototyping, design and development expertise, and clinical know-how to take you seamlessly from concept to production.
Advance project team ensures your engineering and product development staff can be assured that your products and the molds to manufacture those products are well thought-out with every attention to detail.

Powerful Engineering And Project Management Capabilities

KeBoRui strengthen your innovation with our rapid prototyping, design and development expertise, and clinical know-how to take you seamlessly from concept to production.
Advance Project Team ensures your engineering and product development staff can be assured that your products and the molds to manufacture those products are well thought-out with every attention to detail.

KeBoRui Capabilities

. Horizontal Injection Molding
. Precision Insert Molding
. LIM (Liquid Injection Molding) Silicone Injection Molding
. Pre-mold and Over-mold Tool Design and Fabrication
. Rapid Prototyping

. Custom Connector Design
. Plastic Parts Design and Manufacture
. Ultrasonic Welding
. Fine Gauge Wire Processing
. Tinsel Wire Processing

Efficient Manufacturing

Our in-house manufacturing facility ensures that we are able to manufacture your customized product in an efficient and timely manner. Strict adherence to quality control is maintained at all levels of the manufacturing process to facilitate the production of a fully customized OEM product as per your specifications.
With hundreds of skilled technicians throughout our manufacturing process, our capabilities encompass the expertise required to successfully manufacture your medical products.

Efficient Manufacturing

Our in-house manufacturing facility ensures that we are able to manufacture your customized product in an efficient and timely manner. Strict adherence to quality control is maintained at all levels of the manufacturing process to facilitate the production of a fully customized OEM product as per your specifications.
With hundreds of skilled technicians throughout our manufacturing process, our capabilities encompass the expertise required to successfully manufacture your medical products.

With over 15 years of industry experience, KeBoRui builds in-house and works with external state-of-the-art test laboratories. They enable us to provide customers a broad range of test capabilities and methods to assure product compliance.

The large scale of testing service ensures the highest level of quality from the design phase to the final production and product testing. This ability also contributes significantly to our ability to supply a value-added solution to meet our customer’s specifications.

As a trusted medical device manufacturing partner, we support our customers with:

. Cable Bend, Elongation & Flex Test
. Plug Bend & Barrel Tumble Test
. Inter-Connect Temperature Test
. Brittle Point Temperature Test
. Ink Print Durability Test
. Deformation Test
. RoHS Analysis
. Life Cycle Test

. Sand & Dust Test
. Salt Spray Test
. Vibration Test
. Temperature & Humidity Test
. O-zone Aging Test
. Acid Test
. Abrupt Pull & Extraction Test
. Impact Test

Contact Us Now!

Please send us inquiry,we will be in touch within 24 hours.